Dental Veneers
Dental veneers: what is it and how does it work?
Dental veneers, also known as porcelain dental veneers or dental veneers, is a cosmetic procedure used to improve the appearance of teeth. Let’s review some details:
- Founding and history:
- Dental veneers were first developed in 1928.
- His techniques and materials have evolved over the years to become more effective and natural.
- The method of work:
- Very thin shells (called veneers) are placed on the front of the teeth.
- These veneers are made of porcelain or composite resin.
- They are shaped and polished to match the shape and color of natural teeth.
- Benefits of dental veneers:
- Improving the appearance of teeth and making them look more beautiful and harmonious.
- Covering tooth discolorations and correcting their deformities.
Boost self-confidence.
- Conditions for making dental veneers:
- The jaw bone structure must be healthy and strong.
- The patient must be free of diseases that hinder bone healing.
- Types of dental veneers:
- Porcelain veneers: give a natural appearance and last a long time.
- Composite resin veneers: They are cheaper in price and can be installed in one session.
- Lumineer lenses: thin and painless when installed.
What are the differences between porcelain veneers and composite resin?
- Porcelain veneers:
- Made of porcelain, which is a strong and durable material.
- It is used to improve the appearance of teeth and cover their pigmentation and deformities.
- It gives a natural appearance and is in harmony with natural teeth.
- Long lasting and resists damage and pigmentation.
- Composite resin veneers:
- It is made of tooth-colored filling material bonded to the tooth.
- Lower cost than porcelain veneers.
- It is used to improve the appearance of teeth and cover stains.
- It lasts between four to eight years and requires regular maintenance.
- Choose between them:
- Porcelain veneers are considered the first choice for their natural appearance and durability.
- Composite resin veneers are a more affordable option and require regular maintenance.